program purpose + Goals

The Purcell Marian Career Initiatives Program (CIP) is a multifaceted program designed to inspire, engage, and support our students in determining their own futures.  In order to leverage our students’ prior experience with their integral, quality education, they need time and structure to engage in the critical work of self-determination and career exploration.  Whether their future involves college enrollment, employment, or enlistment in the armed forces, a well-designed and executed program will assist them in this quest.  

The program is designed for students to explore areas of potential future employment in a variety of different fields.  We believe in the creative capabilities and intellectual prowess of our students. By exposing students to career-related studies, they are propelled further down the path of self-actualization and personal fulfillment in ways that enriches their high school experience by adding value and relevance to their studies.  

  1. Inspire, engage, and support our students in determining their own futures.
  2. Engender within our students a clear sense of autonomy and personal sovereignty over their factors, conditions, and decisions that impact their lives and future livelihoods. 
  3. Explore areas of potential future employment in a variety of different fields by exposing current Cavaliers to alumni connections and partner organizations who are seeking reliable and capable employees by developing a workforce pipeline for our partners. 
  4. Engage students in the acquisition of practical, marketable skills that will lead to future employment and/or educational pursuit.
  5. Hone interpersonal communication skills and personal reflection practices. 
  6. Develop an open mindset toward problem solving and critical thinking.
  7. Through a four year portfolio system, engage students in growth-minded reflective activities that foster positive self-image and recognize evidence of growth in actual academic, social, and co-curricular accomplishments. 
  • Construction + Engineering
  • Introduction to Manufacturing

Connect our students with expert instructors and provide post-graduation networking opportunities. Current partners include:

  • Allied Construction Industries
  • Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber
  • Emersion Design
  • DVS
  • Halpin Plumbing
  • Jostin Construction
  • Junior Achievement
  • Messer
  • Monti Incorporated
  • National Trade Academy
  • Northern Kentucky University
  • Tru-Seam Metal Solutions
  • Richards Industrials
"We are redefining the educational experience for Purcell Marian students. The Career Initiatives Program is designed for students to explore areas of potential future employment in a variety of different fields. - Chris Wilke, Director of the Career Initiatives Program