The Cavalier Scholars Program, designed for Freshmen and Sophomores, is a rigorous academic program that leads to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program when you are a Junior and Senior. Learn more.

  • Contact Information

  • Recommendations

    List the names and emails of your math teacher, language arts teacher, and one additional teacher. Purcell Marian will send them the Cavalier Scholars Program Teacher Recommendation Form.

  • Teacher Name Teacher Email
  • Teacher Name Teacher Email
  • Teacher Name Teacher Email
  • A piece of work that has made you proud.

    Submit one piece of work completed in the past year that you think is particularly strong and/or are most proud of. This could be an assignment for school, a piece of writing, artwork, etc. It should be accompanied by a brief statement (a paragraph) explaining what the work is, when and how you created it, and why you chose it. Acceptable formats are PDF (writing or visuals), JPG (photograph of a project or piece of art), or MP4 (video of a performance or large scale project).

    Upload the work below or email Bob Herring ( if the piece cannot be uploaded.