
My Journey to high school before I chose Purcell Marian was very difficult. I wanted to go to another high school because all of my friends were going there, but eventually, I realized that it was not a good fit for me. This left me back at square one. I decided to shadow at Purcell Marian to give it a chance, and I loved it!

On my shadow day, and ever since, I saw how the teachers were with students, and how everyone treated each other. People wanted you to feel accepted.  I knew that this was the school for me, but coming here all by myself, where I didn’t know anyone else was still scary. When I walked through those doors, I thought I was going to be alone, and I would have to work to make friends and get to know my teachers, but I had many people who brought me in, especially teachers who helped me along the way. 

I especially see the family Spirit of Purcell in Sister Janet. I came into LPP with Sister Janet during my sophomore year, which is a program that helps students at Purcell Marian achieve their goals, stay on task, and keep their grades up. Sister Janet has been there to help me through thick and thin, and I would like to thank her for that with all my heart. She saw the best in me, and even though we had big bumps in the road she was always there to help me with anything I needed- even when she was mad at me. Sister Janet and LPP helped me learn discipline and to take school seriously; and along with other teachers and my classmates at Purcell Marian, showed me what it means when we say our school is a family.