

On the first day at Purcell Marian, I found myself staring into a huge cafeteria not knowing who I should sit with for lunch.  I remember sitting in Algebra class hoping I wouldn’t be called on me because I didn’t know what I would say. At the time, I didn’t know much about God, believing that He was a fairytale.  As my time as a Cavalier went on, things changed. I was able to learn that God is the creator of the universe and our Heavenly Father.  God continued to use my experiences at Purcell Marian to form my faith.  On the Junior retreat, I was able to get to know many of my classmates.  For example, I realized that Marlee and I share a similar family history.   I didn’t want to go at first, considering how shy I was, but I knew God was calling me to learn more about Him and my classmates. 

After this retreat, I was no longer afraid to get to know others.  When we assembled for a huge group hug at the end of the retreat, I jumped right in with open arms.  I grew in confidence, knowing that God lives within me. When I would attend church, I would sit in the pew listening to the pastor’s sermon and hear God talking directly to me.  As my faith grew, I looked for opportunities to say yes to serving God. I was able to care more about my school by becoming a student ambassador. Scripture tells us in Romans 12:13 “Contribute to the needs of God’s people, and welcome strangers into your home.”  That home is the castle, here at Purcell Marian. Inviting people to come to our school, not just for an education, but to have a better understanding of who God is.  

The formation in faith that I received as a student reminds me of a verse in First Peter 9:10 “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the multifaceted grace of God.” My faith is now a gift that I can share with others.

Overall, my four years at Purcell were unexpected. I arrived as a shy kid, who rarely talked to people, and wanted to hide until I graduated from high school.  As I grew as a person of faith, I now have the confidence to stand here with you and share my experiences as a Cavalier. I didn’t go through my journey alone, God was there. God is omnipresent. I want to thank the teachers and students for creating the opportunity, here at Purcell Marian, to grow in my faith.

- Ruendy, Class of 2023

Ruendy is enrolled at the University of Cincinnati studying Biology/PreMed